This online order form is for parents, grandparents, out of town friends/family, etc. who want to purchase a Lucky Gram for their Noble student, their child's friends or child's teachers! Place your online Lucky Gram orders by 3/11 for delivery by 3/14.
Students can purchase Lucky Grams for their friends or teachers before school March 10-14 with exact cash from 7:10-7:40 am. Make sure your child knows their friend's name and their friend's teacher's name. Kids coming in with lists makes this easy for the volunteers!
What is the Lucky Gram?
Small fun size candy attached to a "to and from" card.
When is the Lucky Gram delivered?
Online orders will be delivered by 3/14. In person Lucky Grams are sold and delivered same day (3/10, 3/11, 3/12, 3/13)
Thank you to our sponsor, It's Sew My Party (a Noble mom owned business)