What is it?
Holiday Shop is a store set up at LNE offering affordable gifts where children can shop for family and friends during the school day the week of December 2-6. Every class will preview the shop on Monday 12/2. There is not a parent preview catalog so gifts can stay a fun surprise. Parent volunteers will run the store and help your child shop for their list. Your child will have multiple chances to shop the store during the school day and bring home wrapped gifts in their backpacks.
Store Hours:
*parents if you are at lunch with your child during the 10am-2pm store hours, you can stop by the shop with your child after!*
Monday 12/2- preview day not taking payments
Tuesday 12/3- 7:10 am-9 am, 10 am-2pm
Wednesday 12/4- 7:10 am-9 am, 10 am-2pm
Thursday 12/5- 7:10 am-9 am, 10 am-2pm
Friday 12/6- 7:10 am-9 am, 10 am-2pm
LHISD district volunteer application: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzQ0OmVuLVVT