Arrival Procedures

Park and Walk

You may choose to park at Lion's Foundation Park (same lot as the LH Public Library) and walk your child to Noble and say goodbye at the doors.  You cannot park in the LNE parking lot to walk your child inside, unless you are subbing, attending a meeting or volunteering.  


Car Rider Line

You may choose to drive through the front car rider line.  There are teachers and staff out on the sidewalk to help your child get out of the car and onto the sidewalk.  Your child will walk towards the doors.  As soon as the cars in front of you start moving, drive through the car line.  



You may also choose to have your child ride the bus in the mornings.  Visit the LHISD Transportation website for more information.  


Dismissal Procedures

**LHISD does not allow students to be checked out in the last 15 minutes of the instructional day**


Park and Walk

You may choose to park at Lion's Foundation Park (same lot as the LH public library) and walk to the side gate under the trees and by the sculptures.  You must bring your transportation tag.  Staff will match your car tag number to your child's backpack number.  


Car Rider Line 

Place the transportation tag on your rearview mirror with the number facing the windshield.  You may take this off after your child is inside your vehicle.   If you arrive after 3:15 pm or the line is clear, you will need to park and enter the building with your driver's license.  Your car tag is not sufficient on a late pick up.  


***Noble Elementary is unable to release your child to you without the actual transportation tag.  A picture of the tag or knowing the number is not sufficient.  If you forget your transportation tag, you must park in the front parking lot and walk inside the front office with your driver's license.  If you lost your transportation tag and need a replacement, please email ***



Teachers will walk bus riders to their bus


Panther Care

Teachers will walk them to Panther Care.



Bell Schedule/Instructional Times


Open First Bell Class Begins End of Day
7:10 am 7:25 am 7:40 am 3:00 pm


The cafeteria starts serving breakfast when the doors open at 7:10 am.   If your child is not in the classroom by 7:40 am they will receive a tardy slip.  For more questions regarding attendance, click here


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